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What is Media Literacy?

Media Literacy is a modern approach to education where students are assisted in becoming critical, literate, and competent in all forms of media to control how they interpret what they hear and see and not being controlled by their interpretation.  It creates a framework where messages are evaluated, analyzed, and accessed in various forms, for example, video, print, and the internet.  Media Literacy also involves asking questions about a message, that is, who is the sender, how was it created, target audience, and any information that was left out (5.30).

Why is it Important

Media Literacy is important as it helps in fact-finding for factual information. Since people are more interested in what they believe than what is true, Media literacy will help people in fact-finding to identify true and valid information (03.21). Media literacy will help in changing people’s negative attitudes about the media (05.03).

Why is it dismissed?

Majorly it is dismissed due to information neglect as people do not understand that it is up to them to figure out what is true and valid; instead, they see it as extra work on their side. It is also dismissed as its name does not express much better what it entails therefore, some people refer to it as media fluency (07.53-59).

Why aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your Personalized Learning Networks (PLN)

PLN refers to a learning network of individuals that one can rely on for information. This will enable one to have access to a wide variety of knowledge that one cannot access easily through platforms like twitter (14.15).

Why do open dialogue about media literacy and factual information create conflict?

This is because there are many sources for news, and most people choose not to listen to messages they disagree with (19.40). Humans also like affirmation and majorly only choose news outlets that feed that part of them (19.30).

What are the benefits of having PLN that values media literacy?

The major benefit is to get perspective from people who are optimistic, ready to share ideas, and can be the objective voice that provides rational guidance when one is emotionally worked up (13.25)

Julie, Smith. “EDCI 338 A01- Smith, Julie.”, 2020, youtube/Z_T9RghwJlI. Accessed 20 Mar. 2021.

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